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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - hurdle


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  фин. барьер* (заранее оговоренная отдача от инвестиций) See: hurdle rate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. переносная загородка; переносной плетень (особ для временных овечьих загонов) 2. решетка из прутьев 3. мостки (через болото); гать 4. спорт. барьер, препятствие high hurdle —- высокий барьер to clear the hurdle —- взять барьер 5. препятствие, трудность 6. спорт. барьерный бег; бег с препятствиями 7. спорт. скачки с препятствиями 8. тех. хордовая насадка 9. ист. повозка, на которой преступников везли на казнь 10. ограждать плетнем 11. спорт. участвовать в барьерном беге; брать препятствия 12. спорт. преодолевать препятствия 13. спорт. перепрыгивать the horse hurdled both the fence and the ditch —- лошадь перескочила и через забор, и через ров ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) переносная загородка; плетень  2) sport препятствие, барьер - clear the hurdle  3) (the hurdles) pl. = hurdle-race  4) fig. препятствие, затруднение Syn: see obstacle  2. v.  1) ограждать плетнем (тж. hurdle off)  2) перескакивать через барьер  3) участвовать в барьерном беге  4) fig. преодолевать препятствия ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) переносная ограда 2) насадка - scrubber hurdle - wooden hurdle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 Athletics a each of a series of light frames to be cleared by athletes in a race. b (in pl.) a hurdle-race. 2 an obstacle or difficulty. 3 a portable rectangular frame strengthened with withes or wooden bars, used as a temporary fence etc. 4 hist. a frame on which traitors were dragged to execution. --v. 1 Athletics a intr. run in a hurdle-race. b tr. clear (a hurdle). 2 tr. fence off etc. with hurdles. 3 tr. overcome (a difficulty). Etymology: OE hyrdel f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English hurdel, from Old English hyrdel; akin to Old High German hurt ~, Latin cratis wickerwork, ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a portable panel usually of wattled withes and stakes used especially for enclosing land or livestock  b. a frame or sled formerly used in England for dragging traitors to execution  2.  a. an artificial barrier over which racers must leap  b. plural any of various track events in which a series of ~s must be surmounted  3. barrier, obstacle  II. transitive verb  (~d; hurdling)  Date: 1896  1. to leap over especially while running (as in a sporting competition)  2. overcome, surmount  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hurdles, hurdling, hurdled) 1. A hurdle is a problem, difficulty, or part of a process that may prevent you from achieving something. Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are packed off home... = obstacle N-COUNT: usu supp N 2. Hurdles is a race in which people have to jump over a number of obstacles, that are also called hurdles. You can use hurdles to refer to one or more races. Davis won the 400m. hurdles in a new Olympic time of 49.3 sec. N-COUNT-COLL 3. If you hurdle, you jump over something while you are running. He crossed the lawn and hurdled the short fence... She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family’s farm. VERB: V n, V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a frame that a person or horse has to jump over during a race  (clear a hurdle (=successfully jump over a hurdle)) 2 a problem or difficulty that you must deal with before you can achieve something  (Finding enough money was the first hurdle. | clear a hurdle (=deal successfully with a problem)) 3 the 100 metres/400 metres hurdles a race in which the runners have to jump over hurdles 4 a moveable part of a temporary fence around animals or land ~2 v 1 to jump over something while you are running  (Barrett hurdled the fence and ran off down the street.) 2 to run in hurdle races - hurdler n - hurdling n hurdy-gurdy ~ n a small musical instrument that you operate by turning a handle ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. hyrdel "frame of intertwined twigs used as a temporary barrier," dim. of hyrd "door," from P.Gmc. *khurdis. Sense of "barrier to jump in a race" first recorded 1833; figurative sense of "obstacle" is 1924. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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